Trites Rd from the corner of Traynor and Trites (50 Trites Road), South to 236 Callowhill Rd., Including all streets West of Trites, and those to the East bordered by Lawson Avenue, Excluding 81 Lawson (At Pinder) to Irving Rd., Henderson starting @ 84 Meghan, Aaron, Frost ,Charyl, Holly, Squire, Sydney and Aylssa. Excluding Monarch and Eastgate at Coverdale.
Also Including streets North of Whitepine to Sussex Ave. From corner of Trites to 138 Sussex Avenue, Including Manchester, Dresden, Aberdeen, Belfast, Deerwood, Lansdowne and Buckingham from civics 288 to 308. Excluding: Sussex civics 140 to 178, Ashburn and Baldwin.